Brothers – #WordlessWednesday with #linky on a Tuesday
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Yesterday evening my three boys were playing outside in the backyard enjoying the warm summer weather here in Chicago. They were playing with squirt guns and spraying each other with the hose. Of course, like typical boys, they were also getting down right dirty and muddy. My youngest was covered with mud from the neck down to the top of his shorts on his back. boys will play like boys.
I snapped a few photos of them playing then I said, “Get together, smile and act like you are best friends. I want to get a good picture of the three of you.”
This was the result.
Brothers – Wordless Wednesday with Linky on a Tuesday
What games to your kids play during the hot summer months?
This is our Wordless Wednesday post for the week. visit these great blogs for more Wordless Wednesdays.
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53. Agente 54: Amigos
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Reseñas de RCH
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Tots y yo
Zoológico de Talbert
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Un vistazo a mi paraíso
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Miércoles sin palabras
Nuestro mundo martes
Aventuras en Weseland
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